Bless all the animals of Kingbilli Country Estates, where we are volunteering in trade for free accommodation. From wild to rescued to rehabilitated to just plain domestic, we are not alone on this large property. Here are a few of the animals we’ve met so far.
(Read up on our introduction to Kingbilli – including an interesting animal encounter – here).
This post was originally published in 2008. It has since been updated for accuracy of links and content.
Animals of Kingbilli: in the Fields and Paddocks
Angora Goats
One of them trundled up to me to check me out, and before I knew it was surrounded by these lovelies, all looking for cuddles and scrubs. When I got up to continue on my walk, I had three companions bouncing along side me for the rest of my journey.
Although llamas are supposed to be gentle and friendly, I have found them to be more stand-offish than anything else. Similar to cats, llamas will come to you when they’re good and ready, and rarely if you are particularly enthusiastic about it.
Be that as it may, we have started to have success in meeting a few of the llamas on the property, which is quite the experience. Stay tuned for a step-by-step post on the finer points of llama etiquette.
See also: How to Wrangle a Llama
Georgina (the brilliant animal-centric goddess who is the go-to gal for wildlife rescue within 3,000 square kilometers) kindled her love of animals with a horse rehabilitation program. In fact, she has a knack for taking horses who have tried to kill people and make them right again.
I am one of those people who have been victim of attempted murder on the part of a horse, so I tend to give her steeds a wide berth. But there is no denying their beauty and grace, as I watch them gallop, neigh, and play around their paddocks. Graffiti (pictured) is my favourite, and holds proud title of being one of the largest mares in Australia. As enormous and intimidating as she is, I am assured that she is a suck, and that her threats and aggression is all for show. She is the most endeared to me so far, always coming over to the fence to see me when I walk by.
A friend of mine in the hospitality industry calls silly tourists who do dumb things “donkeys”. So I’m pleasantly reminded of him every time I run into one of these dear creatures on the property.
Moses, the male, is kept separately from the four females (named Treasure, Precious, Dearest, and Poppet) who roam and graze throughout many areas of the property. Apparently he wasn’t supposed to be able to have any babies, but managed to have two. And judging by his daily loud and mournful brays that can be heard for miles around, he sounds like a persistent bugger.
The females are quite friendly, and more than once I’ve found myself hiking through a paddock in their company. Two of them are a little braver than the other two, but they all eventually like to have their soft heads and necks scratched.
Wild and Rescued/Rehabilitated Animals
Kangaroos and Wallabies
It wouldn’t be Australia if there weren’t a few kangaroos and wallabies hopping around. Bracken the rescued kangaroo is one of the more gregarious ones, as he occasionally hops around in search of some cuddles. He was raised as a house pet (sadly) with lots of cuddles from his human owners. So when he reached an adolescent age, as all adolescent creatures try to do, he got a little horny. And kangaroos and humans just don’t mix well. So his owners had to let him go, and he came to Kingbilli to be rehabilitated and introduced to the wild (which is especially tough for Bracken, since he thinks he’s human). He is coming along nicely, and even keeps a watchful eye over the baby kangaroos on the property who have been rescued.
But we are also careful to keep our shoes and other personal effects inside; when Bracken comes to visit us, he tends to make love to anything; bicycles, chairs, shoes, gloves…anything. It’s a messy affair.
See also: Our Creepy Affectionate Kangaroo
Another kangaroo that lives in the lap (or pouch) of luxury is Opal, who currently lives in a custom made pouch which hangs in the kitchen. Opal is seven months old, and was orphaned when her mum was hit by a car and she was in the pouch (as is the way many animals of Kingbilli are rescued). Her foot was smashed to bits and her ability to fully heal is questionable. But she forges on, happy to be in the middle of it all in the Beach family kitchen.
Despite their unattractive name, wombats are quite cute, resembling large teddy bears. There are a number of both wild and rehabilitated ones running around the property, and we usually see them when driving along the driveway at night.
One wombat in particular named Leroy has a home quite close to our cottage, so we hope to become friends with him or others of his kind soon.
See also: Poppy the Wombat
Kingbilli sees four types of possum and three types of gliders, so these marsupials have us surrounded. And Kingbilli is in the process of developing a possum sanctuary, full of re-vegetated plants and trees that are attractive to possums, so that many more wild possums and gliders can call this patch of paradise “home”.
We haven’t met him yet, but Fang is one such possum who will occasionally interact with humans at Kingbilli, and he lives right next to our cottage. We’ve been told to keep an ear out for him knocking on the door at night – he literally opens and slams shut the screen door to get our attention. Of course he is looking for food, and he will accept an apple piece or carrot if he has to, but he’s really after a slice of bread with jam. It takes all kinds…
I still remember my stuffed platypus that kept me company for many a night as a child. So there is a particularly soft spot in my heart for these dear creatures. They’re tough to spot though, but when the weather warms up a bit, I’ll be staging a quiet stakeout at dusk along the creek in search of them paddling from pool to pool.
Although there aren’t many, there are indeed koalas around Kingbilli, often coming onto the property as rescued orphans or sick animals. Georgina likens them to grumpy old men, who just want their pudding and to be left alone. So although we all have pictures in our heads of cuddling cute koalas, the koalas themselves aren’t always so keen on the cuddling part, and if they’re in a bad mood can really do some damage.
However even as Georgina shares tales of snobbish or mean koalas who have even come nose to nose with her with an aim to cause pain, she smiles and says she loves their strong personalities, as do most people who spend much time with koalas.
See also: Rescuing a (pissed off) Koala
Birds, Birds, and More Birds
There is no end to the charming birdsong (coming from the 140 species of birds, ducks, geese, swans, etc on the property) that is our Kingbilli soundtrack from dawn to dusk. The only birds whose song lacks charm in my mind is the cockatoo, who screams incredibly loudly in an eerily prehistoric manner. You’d never know that these gorgeous and commonly personable pets back home can create such a ruckus. But get a flock of them making a stink, and everybody for miles around will know about it.
We are particularly fond of the family of King Parrots who live outside our front door. In fact, most Australian birdlife amazes me for its gorgeous colours and sizes; it is one of the more pronounced differences between Australia and Canada for me, silly and insignificant as it may seem.
And my grand-finale favourite bird of Australia (and quickly becoming one of my all-time favourite animals) is the Kookaburra. Sounding more like a monkey than a bird, its cackle is unmistakable as it calls out its territory each morning and evening. Get a gaggle of them cackling and the hills really do come alive.
See also: Sounds of Australian Birds (including a kookaburra!)
I just discovered your blog and I would like to congratulate you for such a wonderful travel diary !
I can’t wait for leaving (4 months left !