Thanks for your interest in reaching out to me! Here’s what you need to know:
I don’t accept unsolicited article ideas and submissions, especially from people who can’t bother to address me by name in their email.
Seriously folks. I get, like, 20+ emails like this every day.
If this is you, I will delete your email without responding.
If, however, you’re a full-time traveler who earns your living on the road and you want to be featured in my popular Financial Case Study series, please do reach out to me.
So please. For the love of all things holy, if you’re an SEO consultant masquerading as a freelance writer wishing to contribute to my site, don’t. Just….don’t.
I am amenable to certain forms of partnership, including keynote speaking gigs, press trips, freelance writing opportunities, romantic interludes (just kidding….no really, just kidding), product reviews, and other creative collaborations.
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Contact Me
You can contact me at the following address: nora {at} theprofessionalhobo {dot} com.
Note: You may also find the answer to your question in my FAQs or Travel Tips & Resources pages.