Given that I’ve been living in Grenada on and off for the last year and change, I’ve discovered a lot – and there’s still a lot to discover (which, given the small size of this island country, is amazing).
Here are some random observations about Grenada island, and daily life in Grenada:
Capital city = Town
The capital of the country is St George’s, which is referred to as “town”.
“Where is _____?”
“Oh, it’s in town.” No further address or description is usually offered. Once you’re in town, you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. (Read on).

Grenada Island Addresses? Not really
I live in a house with no number on a street with no name. My “official” address for the cable company is “third house on the right after the pasture”. No really.

Got a political campaign? Get a loudspeaker
A totally viable political campaign strategy is to drive around with a loudspeaker and announce your message to the island. In fact, this is one of the more effective ways of communicating any important message to all Grenadians.
Living without a car is a pain. Sort of.
Taking the bus is quite a colourful (and relatively efficient) experience, however buses stop running by 10pm and they don’t run on Sundays at all. This inspires a much simpler lifestyle – which is good. But it’s murder for going out on weekends and being social in the evenings.

Night life?
The buses may stop running early because there just isn’t enough night-time demand. Although there is a decent selection of night life in Grenada, it’s not huge. Big nights for going out tend to be Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays; there are a few marinas and bars or restaurants that tend to be “the place to be” on those given nights, before you move on to a handful of clubs open from late night through early morning. Night life exists, but it’s not prolific.
Sunrise, sunset

Why is night life not prolific? Despite the slightly cooler night temperatures, Grenada is best experienced during the day. With the beaches, waterfalls, coastal drives, and colourful island flavour to experience, it’s no wonder that Grenadians generally rise with the sun, and are relatively early to sleep.
And you can almost set your watch to it; Grenada gets about 12 hours of sunshine a day year-round: 6am-6pm.
Drive slow on Grenada Island
A local friend observed that “the real way to show somebody Grenada is to drive slowly”. To some extent it’s a given, with the curvy roads and random obstacles.
But as you drive along, you’ll notice that every angle and aspect of Grenada looks different. I can drive the same route daily for months and I always see something new. Like – entire houses that I didn’t notice before, partly because there’s so much to look at, and partly because the hilly landscape and dense foliage plays tricks on the eye.

Go sloooow
The above observation applies to enjoying Grenada in general; slowly. Everything in Grenada happens slowly (as has become painfully evident in the aftermath of my accident and ensuing insurance battles).
But icky business aside, the slow pace of life is generally worth celebrating. Liming is Grenada’s national pastime, after all. People look up and engage more; whether they’re in line together, in the market, or in a waiting room. No matter where you go or what your mission, you’ll probably end up doing two things: waiting for something, and chatting to somebody.
Two degrees of separation
In chatting with the random stranger next to you in line, if you spend much time in Grenada, the conversation will quickly turn to who you are, where you live, and who you know. There are at most two degrees of separation between most Grenadians, and it’s fun to discover common friends and family members.
Although I wouldn’t say I have two degrees of separation, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say I’m four (or less) degrees of separation from everybody in Grenada.
Friendly – and safe

“Grenada is the sort of country where you can still give a lollipop to kids,” said a friend of mine. Most school kids take public transportation, and not usually with their parents. Grenadians generally take care of one another, and parents can rest assured that their five year-old will be under the protective eye of the bus driver and conductor, and will be dropped off at school/home safely, and even escorted across the road.
This safe atmosphere and friendly chatty culture makes for a wonderful destination of discovery.
Kissy faces
This friendly culture is abundantly evident in the rampant remarks of appreciation women receive from passers-by. Although it’s generally harmless, kissy-face culture in Grenada is very much alive and well.
Rum Shop Culture

From early morning to late night, rum shops line the roadsides just about everywhere. Many offer convenience items and some offer prepared food (most commonly fried chicken); and all of them offer rum; an eighth of hair-raising rum costs about $2US – it’s ridiculously cheap, and most often drunk straight with a water chaser.
It’s fun to stop off at a rum shop or two along the way as part of an island excursion; and if you’re not of the rum-drinking ilk (I’m most certainly not), there are always a few cold drinks on offer.
(Women be warned: most rum shop lurkers are male, and they can be drunk at any time of day or night. As long as you are friendly but firm, their kissy-face advances are harmless).
It’s a university town
St George’s University makes up for almost 10% of the population of Grenada. It is best known for its medicine and veterinary medicine programs, and draws an international student body.
It’s all on the south side
Almost half the population of Grenada lives in the parish of St George, which encompasses the southwest corner of Grenada – which, in turn, encompasses the capital city of St George’s (“town”), Grand Anse (the hub for most holiday-makers), the university, and the airport.
“Grenada has a bit of everything, and not too much of anything”
This is what a friend said while chatting about all things Grenada. The “everything” in Grenada includes all the accoutrements of the Caribbean like beaches, waterfalls, water activities, bars, restaurants, markets, etc. But there’s not too much of any of it…nor is there too much of…pretty much anything.
Grenada is a place where you have what you need to get by and not too much more; but once you learn to enjoy the simplicity of Grenadian life, there’s very little to miss.

Things to Do in Grenada Island
There’s no shortage of interesting activities to make your time in Grenada both informative and fun. Check these tours out for starters:
Where to Stay in Grenada
I’ll come right out and say it: accommodation in Grenada ain’t cheap. Through some connections, I managed to rent unfurnished apartments for about $300/month, but it’s almost unheard of. If you’re looking at short-term accommodation, expect to pay for it in the Isle of Spice. Then again, it’s a pretty cool island. Search for your accommodation below:
Great post. My own journey, if everything stays on course begins in October!! You make your little country sound very compelling indeed! St Georges is one of the cities I follow on my weather channel app.You have great weather there!
I am fascinated by Suriname, Guiana, and French Guiana. Is Grenada a hopping off point to any of those 3. Not much anywhere on them! ( Making them even more interesting!)
Hi Quade,
I believe there’s a direct flight from Grenada to Guyana – airlines to check out include Liat, Copa, and Caribbean Airlines.
Grenada isn’t much of a hopping off point to anywhere – besides the “commuter” airlines like Liat that go up and down the chain, Grenada’s main flights in and out are to Miami, Toronto, and London.
You will find more opportunities out of Port of Spain (Trinidad) however – which is a 20 minute flight away via Liat.
Hope this helps – happy travel planning!
My friend Sicorra just sent me your blog since I also live in Grenada. My husband is Term 5 at SGU and I’m working there as well. I’ve been blogging for 3 years and have written a lot about the island. I can’t wait to read more of your posts!
Hi Cat – Nice to “meet” you! I’m sure we’ll run into one another one of these days….your site looks great. I look forward to reading about your island adventures!
Thanks so much! Please feel free to e-mail me if you ever want to grab a drink at umbrellas and talk blogging. 😀
Oh you make Grenada sound awesome. A simple lifestyle with some time spent early to rise and early to bed sounds a bit nice.
Hey Tracey – It’s a pure and simple lifestyle (if you choose for it to be…and I generally do)! No wonder it’s easy to spend time here!
Grenada sounds like a fun and diverse place.
Is it very humid in Grenada ?
Hi Cyrus,
Yes it’s humid (more so at certain times of year), but if you’re somewhere with a breeze (which is a lot of places in Grenada – either by the water or in the hills) it’s tolerable. Weather forecasts here don’t have “humidex ratings” like I’ve seen in Canada….so although the temperature is generally steady around 29 degrees (Celcius) day and night, I’m quite sure on many days – especially in the summer – it’s more like 40+ degrees.
Sweating is a sport here, and locals tend to use copious amounts of talcum powder on their bodies, and carry a small towel for mopping sweat off their brow.
Great post and having spent a significant amount of time on the island I found myself chuckling at all the familiar points you raise – in particular the ‘kissy face culture’ that my (now) wife was on the receiving end of during our first visit. It totally span her out at first, but, as with everything, is a thing you learn to deal with.
We were both on the island when Neilson still had one of their watersports holiday centres based on Grand Anse. Unfortunately the hurricane put paid to any further operations on this front and after the storm blew through Neilson never returned.
This is a fact that, from an enthusiasts point of view, like me, is a sad state of affairs. Watersports in Grenada, particularly windsurfing and stand up paddle boarding, are severely lacking. It’s a shame as the conditions, particularly around the Lance aux Epines area are great.
But, having said all that, Grenada still holds a special place in our hearts and your post was a great read!
Hi Tez,
Between the hurricanes and the economically depressed climate, Grenada is indeed lacking; tourists just aren’t coming in the droves they once did. Some people would call it “untouched”, “unspoiled”, even “off the beaten track”.
The unspoiled postcard that Grenada is is lovely….but it can be so much more – like you say.
So I’m enjoying the “untouched” Grenada while it lasts, and looking forward to seeing this country develop their tourism, agriculture, and fishing industries – so everybody’s quality of life can improve.
Yep’ tis a fine line between keeping something in its original state and watching it evolve into a completely different animal.
It would be a shame if the island lost its charm and friendly atmosphere, but at the same time, as I’m sure you’ll agree, the local population needs something to aim for and a better quality of life is just that. Tourist Dollars and Pounds is one way to achieve this, but often comes at a higher price…
Commercial tourism, on the plus side, CAN be controlled to some level and hopefully, with the right people leading the charge, this will be the case.
I’ve spoken at length with Bentley Skeete (you probably know him?)on the subject of getting some form of watersports set up back on the island. The main problem I have is funding otherwise I’d stump up the cash!
But the potential is there, particularly if you look at Grenada’s neighbours – Tobago and Barbados etc.
Oh well, keep up the good work on your site.
Thanks Tez…..I’m looking forward to seeing more watersports opportunities in Grenada myself.
Nice post, BUT…
YOU are missing the REAL Grenada if you ignore the north of the island! We have some of the most beautiful (and most empty) beaches, one on which the leatherback turtles nest. We have the chocolate company, which produces award-winning chocolate, and Belmont Estate, where some the the cocoa for said chocolate is grown. We have the River Antoine rum distillery, which is like a working museum. And we have people even more friendly, more open, because they are not dealing with cruise ship tourists (and others) nearly as often, so aren’t tired of the interaction. (There’s so much more, I could go on and on.)
And, of course, we have Almost Paradise Cottages.
But don’t mind me, I’m biased! 😉
Still, you should come and check out the north, there are lots of quirky corners and interesting projects.
By the way, I’m Canadian, and have been living in St. Patrick’s for 12 years…
Hi Kate,
Oh I hear you, girl! I’ve been to all the places you described, and a few more.
I also loved living in St Pauls – which has a much more rural feel – similar to the north – than St. George.
But access to amenities (and other accoutrements of the south) is a real hassle; it feels just a wee bit remote for me all in all.
Then again, I know that’s the appeal in and of itself…’s like you say….Almost Paradise! 🙂
Oh I so love this post, and that country. Lisa (@lisamarimer) and I honeymooned there in 1989, and went back for our 15th anniversary. Both times staying at the La Sagesse Nature Center on the Atlantic side, several km outside of town. (I’m originally from Boston – of course a capital city is called “in town”!)
Some of what you write reminds us also of our life now in Uruguay, in a coastal town. If in a line, you start chatting with your neighbors – and make new friends. Oh, and the “kissy-face” culture!
Grenada always will have part of my heart.
Thanks, Mark! I guess an advantage of Grenada over Uruguay (at least for me) would be language, as they speak English here…..well, sort of…. 🙂
Nice post,we are here in Grenada for our third season,we live on our sailboat which is in Mt.Hartman bay and we are waiting out hurricaine season.We love it here,the people the weather and the buses are wonderful.
Hi Kathy,
Yes, Grenada is a cruiser’s paradise during hurricane season – I forgot to mention that! Maybe we’ll run into one another some time soon! You know what I look like….feel free to call out if you see me! 🙂
Nice article! I was born and bred in Grenada, I now live in Toronto, your story brought me back to the island I dearly love. You had me laughing so hard at times, it’s amazing hearing your interpretation of life on the Spice Isle. Despite the few up and downs and lack of conveniences that we are so blessed with in Canada, I am elated that you chose to share your experiences with the world. Your account of my island is beautiful and honest. Hope you will inspire others to journey to Grenada, to feel the warmth of it’s people, be kissed by it’s endless sunshine, explore our many beaches, especially Grand Anse Beach and explore more of Grenada’s countryside. Thank you.
Hi Kathy,
I’m touched by your response! And how interesting that I was born and bred in Toronto – which is where you are….we’ve switched places!
To read that you feel my account is beautiful and honest is the highest praise I could receive, given that Grenada is – or has been – your home. Thank you!
Hi Nora,
We have definitely switched places, Grenada will always be my home, I continue to visit as often as I can to rejuvenate! Let’s continue to enjoy the best of both worlds, I think we are both blessed! Maybe one day we will cross paths in Grenada, I would like to introduce you to the way live on my side of the country!
Kathy. My wife and I emigrated to Canada from Poland in 1986. Now in few months we are going to retire. In next year we are going to visit Grenada for the first time looking for a spot to get away for (Canadian)winters starting in 2018. Since we would like to stay in Spice Island for about 4 months when retire,we are looking for some connections with charity organizations in St. George area where we would like to work as a volunteers. I have very fragile contact with 2 of them in Grenada,but we would like to have more contacts to find one of charities that we can do the most using our (many) skills.When we will be there(for winters) we will pay all of our expenses such as travel,,accommodation,food,insurance e.t.c. I wonder if you have some contacts there with people who may look for volunteers. We would like to talk to them when we go for our next year trip.We appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you.Andrew. Elora Ontario
Nice article, but one thing has to be said …..not close to everything is in St George’s and not half of the population lives in St. George’s. St.George’s has a population of around 35000. St.Andrew’s and St. Patrick’s in the north have together even more, not counting the other parishes.
Hi Uwe,
My research came from Wiki here:
…which indicates that the population of the population of the parish of St George (not just the town of St George’s) is over 37,000….which is more than the parishes of St. Andrew and St. Patrick combined (admittedly, not by much).
But I would also surmise that accurate population statistics would be difficult to attain, since I imagine that not all Grenadians are registered on a census.
Please forgive me if you’re from the north/east and are feeling shunned! Although I’ve been around a great majority of the island, and have spent a little bit of time in Grenville, I haven’t lived in or spent extensive time in these areas. I know that life “Grenville side” is very different – and those who live there vastly prefer it to the “hustle and bustle” of St George.
thank you for what you have done and said about my little island… all that you have said is what makes my island unique and please don’t forget to remind others that it is called the isle of spice for a reason.
Hi Swindon – Grenada is indeed the Isle of Spice – in many ways! 🙂
I’d like to see Grenada further capitalize on their many resources. I understand it’s been a long recovery since hurricane Ivan (cocoa trees take many years to mature enough to produce, for example), and I believe the farming population is decreasing. This is an island where everything grows everywhere – I want to smell more cinnamon and nutmeg in the air! 🙂
I live in a house with no number on a street with no name. My “official” address for the cable company is “third house on the right after the pasture”.
LOL, welcome to the developing world. Having just completed my studies in the UK, my mail was delivered right at my doorstep, thanks to the street, house no. and all. I am back in Kenya (my home country) and guess what? I live in a house with no number on a street with no name.
The capital of the country is St George’s, which is referred to as “town”.
In my country the central business district is what is referred to as “town”, and you are likely to find what you are looking for in “town”.
Enjoyable post!
Hi Rachel,
It’s nice to know the informality and tight friendly culture is a pervasive trait in many countries. I consider it a lovely way to live – despite the slight inconvenience of never knowing if your mail will arrive! 🙂
Thank you for this. I’m thinking Grenada’s a reallly great place to chill out, in all sense of the word. 🙂
Christoffer – Yes, Grenada’s a great place to chill out in every sense of the word – except literally! It’s damn hot here! 😉
Hey Nora,
Really enjoyed this article since I knew close to nothing about Grenada. It really seems like a great place to live. How long has it been now? Living away from the familiar is amazing, as I can relate living in Korea.
I was happy to hear it is safe. I am considering a trip in the Caribbean and will be sure to add Grenada to the list.
Hi Julio,
I first arrived in Grenada in October of 2011, and have been here on and off since then – probably a little more than half the time in all. I barely knew anything about Grenada when I was booking my first flight to come here; and it’s been quite a land of discovery ever since.
It was great to read about your trip in Grenada. This seems like a wonderful place to visit. More of a local rather than touristy travel. I personally love traveling around college towns for the sake of the innovative culture and arts. Thanks for posting. Safe travels 🙂
Hi Lauren – Thanks! I always try to feel the local scoop as much as I can, and since I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Grenada, I’ve been able to dig deeper into various idiosyncrasies that make the place tick.
Wow Nora, Grenada sounds lovely. Do they have Dengue there? Both Darren and I have just been diagnosed with it and we are wondering if we should stay around in Thailand.
Grenada does sound a bit like Koh Phangan. A small island with great beaches and a main town. We drive into ‘town’ 3 times a week to visit the local market and supermarket. We are lucky we have access to a car as there are no buses on the island, just expensive taxis and the ‘road’ is a dirt track through the jungle!
We visited Tobago many years ago and loved the vibe of the place. We hired a jeep and explored the whole island, we ended up having a BBQ on the beach with these guys who we said hello to 🙂
hope you continue to enjoy Grenada dxxx
Hi Deborah – Oh no! You’ve got Dengue fever? Like, right now?? How are you able to even remain upright!?
A former partner of mine got dengue in Thailand in 2008 – spent a week in hospital fighting for his life.
And yes, dengue is alive and well in Grenada – I got it days after my first arrival in October 2011. I didn’t have to go to hospital (in reality, I was alone and too sick to get medical help, but I didn’t think it was worthy of an ambulance either way).
Hang in there, both of you. The good news is once you’ve had that particular strain of dengue, you won’t get it again. (Granted, there’s four strains – and three more chances….) LOL!
Yep, right now. Both of us have it. We aren’t upright, we are both laid in bed and feeling pretty terrible. We are having paracetamol every 4 hours and hydration sachets too. We got some codine today too as both of us could no longer stand the pain in our backs and hips. We are having daily blood tests so hopefully we won’t end up fighting for our lives. We are lucky that we’d decided on a short holiday to Samui, not much of a holiday but at least we are near a good hospital.
Sorry to hear you got it in Grenada – that sucks. You crazy woman, you should have got medical help!!!!!
Yeah just read that there are 4 types and we are now immune to one of them – silver lining an all that 🙂
Oh gosh. Hang in there…and rest assured that the worst will definitely be over in a week or less. (Even though it may feel like a month)… 😉
that’s good to know, thanks 🙂
Loved your article, but agree with Kate & Uwe – you may want to come up to stay around the Sauteurs/Bathway Beach area sometime! Cooler, greener and more laid-back than the south, the North offers plantation houses, Rivers Rum distillery tours, Belmont Plantation & Grenadian Chocolate tours. We have a range of beaches, fishing towns and stunning views from the wide selection of B&Bs & vacation rental options – here at MoonFish we have almost 3 pages of restaurants for our guests to choose from (names, contact details plus descriptions) all within a 5 minute walk to a 20 minute drive… and there’s always somewhere new to discover!
Grenville is an incredibly busy port and although friendly & vibrant, it definitely lacks the charm of the smaller towns in the North, hope you get to enjoy a trip up here soon!
Hi Kitty,
Okay, you’ve sold me – it’s on my list when I return – before Christmas!
You’ll love it!
I enjoyed reading your blog! As someone at SGU, I deeply regret that I’ve barely seen anything on this island and it’s great to come across someone who seems like they know so much about the little things of Grenadian life. Would love to meet you and share in some of your adventures on this island!
Hi Arshiya,
Sweet! I’m not on the island at the moment, and will probably return when you’re off for the holidays….but send me an email when you’re back for the new term in 2014 and let’s connect! Cheers.
Thanks for the response! Yes I would love to, is there a more direct way to connect with you instead of commenting on your blog?!
Hi Arshiya,
If you send me a message through my contact page, I’ll get an email and we can correspond that way:
Hi to you all in Grenada, we are moving out soon but would like to know a few things before we get there……..HELP?
Living on a budget?
Living like the locals, is it cheaper?
Whats it like in the rainy season?
Any other info would be great as we are finding it hard to find realistic opinions of basic living
Hi Juebag,
Great questions! I have some fellow travel bloggers who are currently in Grenada and have been writing about it lots on their site, including this post, which should answer many of your questions:
Enjoy! It’s a very special place.
Thanks for the shout out 🙂 Hope all is well!
Hi Nora,
It is January in New Jersey, and I just spent the morning reading your blog and the comments section. What a joy! I am not sure how, but my fiancé Jeff and I are somehow stuck on honeymooning in Grenada this August. August 16-23, to be exact at the Calabash. For some reason, we have been comparing all the other islands to Grenada.
I know that it is going to be hot and the weather can be rainy and the sea a bit rough, but we were wondering if in your expert opinion, should we visit Grenada at another time or book our mid August honeymoon? What is the vibe in mid-August? Are places open?
Thanks for your blog. It has been very difficult finding accounts of Grenada, but I expect that to change now that JetBlue has began its non-stop service, which we hope to take advantage of.
Hi Bethany,
Congratulations! You’ll have a blast in Grenada, which is a lovely honeymoon destination. And as I recall, the Calabash is a great choice!
Okay, August: It’s hot. Really hot. After my first August/September in Grenada, I made a personal vow to be somewhere else in subsequent years. (And this is coming from a girl who loves the heat). But….at the Calabash I believe you’ll have air conditioning which can make a big difference.
I didn’t find the rain too bad (it’s mostly isolated showers, and even the heaviest of downpours clears quickly), and the ocean was never too rough to swim in.
As for the vibe and things being open, it’s business as usual at that time of year. Carnival will have ended the week prior so things will be low key, but it’s always low key in Grenada! 😉
So….if you like the heat, and are up for a relaxing getaway, sounds like you have a great plan!
Hi there, just came across your blog. I along with my husband and two children relocate to Grenada from uk in July. We can’t wait. Your blog made me chuckle. I’m familiar to Grenz, it’s my heritage – both my parents are Grenadian. I’ve spent many weeks holidaying on the island – but so looking forward to our move. Dawn
Hi Dawn,
I’ve recently been thinking back to my time in Grenada with much appreciation. It’s an amazing place. Good luck with the move, and enjoy your new home! Do you know where on the island you’ll live yet?
Thanks for the information from all. Considering visiting soon with intentions on staying eventually. I was told that Grenada does not have hurricane and tornadoes, is that true? If so how severe are they??
Hi Sista,
Grenada is outside of the hurricane belt, so for the most part, it’s safe. The last big hurricane they had was in 2003 (I believe), and the last one before that was 50 years prior. In both cases they were devastating hurricanes, so Grenada’s not immune, but it’s much safer than most of the Caribbean.
Great post and mirrors our experience of Grenada. Have you had the opportunity to visit Carriacou, Grenada’s sister island? Probably more laid back than the sleepiest village in Grenada. Despite that, hope to semi retire to Carriacou in the next 2-3 years. Currently living in Kent, UK.
You make a great advocate for life in Grenada.
Hey Tim,
No, I haven’t been to Carriacou, but I’ve heard it’s amazing. Very cool that you may semi-retire there! I hope that comes together for you. 🙂
I’m thinking about someday moving to Grenada. I have a few questions that I can’t really find anywhere. They’re not super important, I’m just curious.
Is there a lot of alone time, or a more socialized place?
Are the locals religious?
What’re their views on LGBT?
What are the most popular jobs?
What are some really fun activities to do there?
Hi Leo,
Great questions!
Hurricanes – Grenada is just below the main hurricane belt. So although the risk of hurricanes is much smaller, it’s still possible. Hurricane Ivan in 2004 was the last really big one (although another one hit the island the year after). Ivan did a massive amount of damage. But before that it had been over 50 years since a major hurricane hit Grenada.
Alone time – Grenada is a pretty quiet island, especially in the north. But if you like to party, there’s lots of opportunity for that as well, especially around Grand Anse and at various marinas.
Religion – The majority of locals are indeed religious, with the major religion being Christianity. It’s a colourful affair; here’s a random street parade (of a religious nature) that I ran across when I was there:
LGBT – Being a relatively conservative island and culture, LGBT is not particularly prevalent.
Popular Jobs – For the locals, the main industry is around tourism, fishing, and a bit of agriculture. Grenada also has St Georges Medical School, which hosts many medical students from around the world.
Fun Activities – If you like hiking, Grenada has “hash hikes” which are group hikes each month in different areas of the island. There are quite a few lovely hikes on the interior that take you around to various waterfalls etc.
Fish Friday nights are popular in Gouyave, where there are lots of vendors set up selling local food (mostly fish). Friday nights in general are big on the island, with a pretty good party at Prickly Bay marina.
And of course the beach (around Grand Anse) is a great place to hang out. It all depends on what you want to do….you can get lots of local intel once you arrive.
Protect yourself. My wife was tied up, robbed, beaten and they tried to rape her. It permanently affected her mental health. They did this in the middle of the day by getting her to answer her door at her apartment. They stole all of her money and valuables. SGU was somewhat helpful in getting the police to investigate but if you don’t have the force of SGU and the US Embassy coming down on the cops, the cops don’t give a shit. One of the people who assaulted her was caught trying to sell her iPhone. Her friend was also tied up, robbed, beaten at his house. Their cases kind of disappeared because the faculty member L. V. was murdered right after it happened and then not much later that American tourist was raped and murdered with a machete on the beach. I’ll never step foot back on that island after what they did to my wife.
Hi KD,
Holy Cow! I’m so SO sorry you experienced that. Indeed, there is an ugly underbelly to Grenada that I caught glimpses of from time to time, but nothing like what you describe. Thank you for sharing, and I don’t blame you for not wanting to return. I hope your wife is okay.
I like your article. I won’t say it’s prejudice cause it’s true. In fact I’m not a local but I spent most my life here. You should get this out there.
Hi Sharine,
I would say if you’ve lived there most of your life, you’re a local too! 😉
thanks for this info hobo :] I’m sick n tired of living in UK and the government constantly writing to me billing me for stuff I know nothing about (been 15 years and they have charged me £1000s and still want more). I suddenly read that we can move to Grenada without a visa etc. I seen your website and think i am going to make the journey as soon as I can afford the flights. I see rental properties in some areas for about £300 (gbp equivilient) per month.
Would you recommend it for me to move permanent (I love the scenary and quiet life you describe, but really I would want to get a car and some form of internet as I depend on these things….
great website btw, I remember reading this many years ago (maybe about Grenada or British Virgin Isles or some other place :P)
Hi Davey,
Before moving to Grenada permanently, I would highly recommend an extended visit to “feel out” the place. There are different areas of Grenada, each with a very different vibe. And yes – Grenada is most certainly best experienced with a vehicle. So especially for your first visit, I would suggest renting a car so you can explore all that this little island country has to offer.
Happy explorations!
Hi Cat Alford,
Nice to read about your blog. I am an adventure enthusiast who does paragliding, water skiing, para motoring, trekking, and many more adventure activities. I have some questions
1. What is the scope of adventure in Grenada?
2. Are there specific adventure destinations and how many tourists come and enjoy them.
3. How good is the national and international connectivity in Grenada?
4. How is year round weather in Grenada?
If Grenada has a good adventure potential, I would love to settle there.
Thanking you
Joe Dhillon
Hi Joe,
The last time Cat commented on my blog was 6 years ago, so perhaps she won’t see your questions here. I invite any other commenters here who are or have recently been in Grenada to chime in!
In the meantime, I’ll do my best to answer your questions (with the caveat that the last time I was in Grenada was also many years ago).
1) There are quite a few adventure activities available in Grenada, however I wouldn’t have said it was a super adventurous island.
If you like trekking, check out the Hash Harriers club – they have a FB page with info on their regular hash runs. There are lots of lovely trekking opportunities on the island – most of which are day-trips.
2) There aren’t any specific adventure destinations within Grenada, but it’s a small island! You can drive around it entirely in half a day. Grand Anse would probably have the highest concentration of adventure activities (it would be where the majority of tourists/foreigners are), as well as St. Georges (the capital, and next to Grand Anse).
3) The internet is pretty good as I recall, assuming that’s what you mean by “connectivity”.
4) The weather is great year-round in Grenada! It’s just outside of the hurricane belt, though not immune of course. The hottest stickiest months are August and September; I love heat, but living through one hot season in Grenada without air conditioning (it’s really expensive), I decided I would remain off-island every August/September thereafter.
If Grenada is on your potential list, go for a visit and check it out yourself! And if you’re looking at settling there, I would suggest you go in the off season (August/September). High season anywhere offers the best any place has to offer; to get a true sense of whether you’d like to live somewhere, you need to see it (and accept it) at its least favourable time of year.
I know I am very late but I was browsing on FB and saw this article as a born and bred grenadian I felt so proud reading this article because everything mentioned is very true! It instantly brought back all my memories. As an adult I noticed growing up I took my homeland for granted it’s like seeing Grenada now verses then, I feel like it’s a place I never appreciated! I am so happy you did this blog it really made me proud to be from Grenada! Thank you for sharing to allow the world to see our hidden gem at time I myself is selfish about my home I want to keep it a secret but it’s impossible to not let the world know how about Grenada !
Thank you, Ria!
Grenada is certainly and island gem. I’m glad you recalled some happy memories from reading my post. 🙂
What a cool looking island Nora. I like the ideas of driving around slowly to soak it up, along with adopting that peaceful island pace of life. These places that quite literally force you to slow down do carry one of the secrets of life; being patient makes this experience far more enjoyable. Fabulous post.
Exactly – I actually lived on Grenada for almost 2 years! Which some might think is crazy for such a small island, but I loved getting to know little unexplored corners and understand nuances over time.