Victorian Bushfires Diary: February 13th – DAY SEVEN

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One of the warehouses, filled and getting fuller with each truckload of donated goods…for survivors of the Victorian Bushfires.

This post was originally published in 2009 . It has since been updated for accuracy of links and content.

You can read the dramatic Day One of the Victorian Bush Fire Diary here, and the entire collection of posts here.

Victorian Bushfires Diary: Friday, February 13th, 2009 – DAY SEVEN

Today is the dreaded Friday the 13th. Not only are there superstitious connotations to this ominous day, but it also marks the 70-year anniversary of the 1939 Victorian bushfires that devastated this very area. In fact, it is our little housing community in Rubicon that was the hardest hit, being completely demolished by fire.

Although Friday February 13th may not be the exact date it happened, local Victorians all nod their heads in remembrance on any Friday the 13th.

The irony of coincidence is not lost on us.


The day as a whole ends up being atrociously long, starting at 7:30am and ending well after 9pm. The media has caught wind of us too; our day at the warehouse starts with newspaper reporters and camera-people capturing their quotes and pictures, continues on with me giving a 20 minute live radio interview with a Melbourne station, and keeps on going when a camera crew wanders in from South Australia tagging along with one of the many trucks delivering donated goods.

Tempers are running high and politics seem to be getting in the way in the meantime, as they do.

I go to sleep with a view of numerous fires glowing and blazing in the not-too-distant horizon.

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3 thoughts on “Victorian Bushfires Diary: February 13th – DAY SEVEN”

  1. Hi Beth,

    Yes, we are indeed okay. We are still evacuated from our home (it has been 2 and a half weeks now – grr!!), and the fires still burn, believe it or not. We hope to return home soon. So hang in there…the diary will eventually catch up with my current reality, rest assured!

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