World Nomads Ambassador Trip
Somewhere around 2009, a new thing was born. It was called the “Best Job in the World”, and it was a job that was marketed (and competed for) around the world. The gig was for a blogger to live on a paradise island all expenses paid off the cost of Australia and do paradise-like things while also receiving a cushy salary, all in exchange for blogging about the experience.
This wasn’t that.
The World Nomads Ambassador Trip came before the Best Job in the World was ever unveiled, and if I were to connect dots, I’d say it was a precursor – a test run, if you will – to the Best Job program.
It involved receiving a gaudy campervan decorated with a flurry of sponsor logos (including Traveller’s Autobarn, Lonely Planet, Nokia, and others), to take wherever I wanted for 6 weeks. In exchange for the campervan and some extra accoutrements like a loaner phone and an LP guidebook, I was to write a certain number of posts for publication on both my site as well as their website. (Thus, you’ll see that some of the articles below link to the “full version” on another site).
The World Nomads Ambassador Trip existed as a program for about a year (every 6 weeks another unsuspecting blogger taking to the wheel) before being shut down. Although it was great in concept, it was far from refined, and the writing requirements far outweighed the in-kind compensation.
But, this was back in the day when blogging wasn’t something people monetized, so the World Nomads Ambassador Trip can be forgiven for their transgressions. I hope, similarly, you’ll forgive me for my own transgressions in this series, as I was still carving out my own writing style…..which when I look back at these posts – was pretty horrific.